Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Little Token Of Appreciation

This is my 2nd time baking Cranberry cupcakes and this time it is for Charlotte's school teachers and every helpers in the school just right before the school holiday starts. I didn't quite satisfy with the result earlier, I thought it was a bit dry. So I made some adjustments to the recipe this time.

I don't really have a complete recipe but what I had in mind was maybe to add a little bit of milk to improve the texture. I used my usual butter cake recipe and added some milk. I have been wanting to make orange flavor but again I don't have the recipe. So I just followed my instinct and added a small amount of orange juice. And the result?

It turned out very well! The cake texture is very fine and moist, and the orange flavor gives it a very fresh feeling as it melts in the mouth. So I packed as many of it in the Correll French White oval bake dish and bring to Charlotte's school this morning as a small token of appreciation.

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