Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sick, But So Brave!

When I was out with Pat for lunch yesterday, Brenda called. I knew something must have happened for her to make that call. I picked up the phone and Brenda told me that Charlotte was having fever, 38.1 degree C. I rushed home in 20min and when I checked her again the temperature has gone up to 38.3 degree C. I quickly feed her the PCM and the fever subsided after 40min. She then went for the nap but when she woke up, temperature came back and I also noticed that she was coughing too (I had a terrible soar throat and cough last week, I must have passed it to her). I decided to take her to the PD for early treatment.

As we were getting ready, I told her that I will be taking her to see the doctor as usual. Her respond was nothing else but "NO!" and started to cry. While changing her, I took my time to explain to her the reason I am taking her to the doctor. My last update about her visit to the PD was in Sept when she was due for the JE 2nd jab. She was very good then and I prayed that she will be as good (if not better) this round.

Me: Charlotte is sick, cough cough, so must see doctor
Charlotte: No cry!
Me: Yes, no need to cry. Doctor will just check you and listen to your heartbeat.
Charlotte: Check, check (with her imagination of a stethoscope on her chest)
Me: Yes, doctor can hear your heart beat goes "dup dup"
Charlotte: Poke! (pointed to her arm)
Me: No, no injection today, no poke. Just check check your ear, and check check your mouth. You must say "ah...." and open you mouth for doctor to see, ok?
Charlotte: No!

So we arrived at the Hope Clinic around 6.30pm (I know and have heard so much about Hope at Sg. Ara, but I had no choice as I have a meeting to attend that night and Pat was still in the office) and registered ourselves. Unfortunately, we were told that the doctor will only come at 7pm. I had no choice but to bring Charlotte elsewhere first. I then took a short trip to my SIL place and came back around 7pm.

As we entered the room, Charlotte was very nervous and she held on to Brenda very tightly. I told the doctor what happened and he started with his stethoscope as we expected. Charlotte was anticipating that and she kept very quiet and still until the checking finished. Once the doctor removed the stethoscope, she immediately asked Brenda to take her outside. Unfortunately, the checking was not over. Doctor needed to take her temperature with the digital thermometer. I told Charlotte to look at it, so that she knows what is going to happen. And I told her it will be the same as how I check her at home. So, again she kept very still and let the doctor take her temperature.

We thought all was over by then, and Charlotte was pointing to the door again. But the doctor said everything was fine, lungs are cleared, temperature is within the limit although slightly warm. So he said he needed to check her throat. Luckily, I told Charlotte about this part of the checking too. She wasn't quite cooperate the last time when Dr. Rama wanted to check her throat but it was a surprise this time as she opened up her mouth so wide and hold for quite awhile when she was asked by the doctor.

Finally, the checking was over and everything went so well without even a single struggle. I praised her for being such a brave girl right immediately we came out from the doctor's room. Actually, she did very well too last couple of weeks when we went for her Hepatitis A booster jab (that's how she remembers the "poke" part). Dr. Rama too complimented her for being such a brave girl!

The 2nd challenge was feeding the medicine. It was a nightmare and I was so very worried. But we (Brenda and I) tried to explain it to her as how we told her about visiting to the doctor. Hoping she will be able to accept it. Unfortunately, the 1st feed was still the same as before. We had to hold her down, she struggled and vomited everything. We had repeat the process.

Because her fever come and goes, we had to feed her the PCM around the clock. The process gets easier and better each time as we repeat the same explanation to her. Charlotte is accepting it and taking it very well. The latest "achievement" is when I told her it's time for medicine, she is ok to open her mouth (without us holding her) and let me put the medicine inside the mouth and swallowing the medicine without a single struggle. She will then say "eat cen (medicine), no cry!". Yes, she says "no cry" in a few situations: bowel movement, seeing doctor and taking medicine. We have gone through all, and hopefully she will be consistent in her "self control" discipline.

I am so very proud of her and this also has clearly demonstrated to me that she is no longer a little baby. She understands and she listens to explanation and reason. I should not take assumption of her as a little baby anymore.

I am so very proud of you, my princess!


  1. Bravo lil Princess...
    Get well soon...

  2. I hope she gets well soon. Well in time for Christmas!

  3. Good girl, Charlotte! Lots of ppl getting sick lately, from old to young. Have to be careful.

    My niece (5mths old) went to Sg Ara Hope Clinic too. It was almost the same emergency like u had, thus they didn't go far out to see Dr. Rama (yup, same PD as yours)

    Another alternate is the Children's clinic in Tmn Pekaka. It's very good too, u can keep this as your alternate if u're not confortable with Hope. I had my reservations too on Hope and it I think it all depends on the doctor you're seeing.
