As I mentioned in my earlier update of Charlotte's progress at Kindermusik, she continue to show good progress week after week. Her teacher called me last week (Pat took Charlotte to class last week) and told me that she sang in the class! It was not a surprise to me because she always sing with me but it is a nice news to hear from her teacher. Last Monday, Pat was away for business trip again and I took Charlotte to class this time. We were kind of late because Charlotte insisted to wear her own dress when I was changing her to get ready to class. I spent a good 10min with her struggling with her dress, sigh! Well, we were in time for "Our Time Hello". Charlotte took a drum from her teacher and sat down with me like an expert. She was happily playing along when the song started. Then I heard a soft "hello hello" from her! Heh heh, my heart raised a little :)
There was this activity where all of us formed a big circle and the teacher put a drum in the middle. The game was to sing a song and at the end of it each kid gets to beat the drum 3 times. So the game started and Charlotte was at the left of her teacher. I thought ok, Charlotte gets to beat first. However, the teacher decided to give the 1st chance to the boy on her right. That means, Charlotte will be the last one to get to do that. I was very worried that she would make noise and throw her tantrum because she has to wait for her turn. So, I was explaining to her that "Charlotte must be patient, the game is to take turn and so you must wait for your turn". She listened and nodded at me.
The game started, I was crossing my fingers because we had almost 10 kids that night! Charlotte participated, sang happily each time the game started again without a single sign of frustration. Finally, it was her turn. We sang, ran around in the circle and it was her turn to beat the drum. She listened to the teacher telling her that she has to beat it 3 times. She then took the drum stick over from her teacher and did it every beat as skilled as she is! That night I came home with a big smile on my face :D
Of course, I told Pat the very next day. I told him the whole story over the IM and I asked "such a good girl hor?", he just replied "Yes", period. Well, that's his usual self but I know he is very happy to see the ROI (heh! heh!)
So, what did we get this semester? It's a new theme: Wiggles & Giggles and the new activity set looks like this: (2 activity books, 2 CDs, 1 pair of sandblock and a cute transparent bag)

We have now graduated from Away We Go, the theme for the 1st semester.
(2 activity books, 2 CDs, 1 pair of harmonica and a paper toy bus)
That sounds like so much fun! And Charlotte will be playing all the instruments like a pro soon!
ReplyDeleteCharlotte girl... Congratulations for completing the 1st semester! Singing in the class! Your Mummy & Daddy must be so proud of you!
ReplyDeleteSo tempting.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Kindermusic should you some discount for the free advertisement :P.
Pei Sze - Yes, good idea. I should be hinting them for discount soon :D
ReplyDeleteHaha! ROI. Yes, you really got a lot of returns from the investment you made. What a great achievement!