Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I took Charlotte for a hair cut last weekend. As usual, she cried and refused to let the auntie cut it. So, the auntie had to do it very quickly while Charlotte was screaming and struggling. Later, I realized that the back was not done nicely and it was obviously uneven. So, I tried to trim it while Charlotte was watching her favorite movie. It became so short that makes her face looks really round.

I think she looks like the female version of Pocoyo...


  1. She looks cute. Actually i think pocoyo looks like girl :p

  2. this is not short aldy...wait till you see the first time when I trimede Ching Ern's hair, you will LOL.

  3. Pocoyo is not a girl meh? :P

  4. I thought Pocoyo is a girl too but only found out the fact when i went searching for the picture to put on this blog.
