Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Baptism

I was very active at the church when I was young. I remember I was the youngest member in the Christmas caroling team, I was active in the church activities and participated in all performances like drama, dance, choir, and etc but it was all before I entered university. After that I was totally disengaged, shame on me.

When Charlotte was born, I did think about getting her baptised but back then I was overwhelmed as a new mother and with all the new motherhood responsibilities. I strayed very far away from God and I didn't think I was able to guide her the Christianity way. I started Charlotte at Sunday School just a few months ago and I also started to pick up a little responsibility at church. My parents then suggested Charlotte's baptism during Christmas since my "soon-to-be" sister-in-law will also get baptised during that day. We considered and we agreed.

It is my responsibility now to guide her and upbringing her with God's words and the Christian way. God help me.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas - from us!

This picture was taken on Christmas eve, we were all ready for the Christmas Eve service at the church.

Charlotte attended 80% of the Christmas Eve service last year, she was sleepy before the clock strike 12am and so we left without wishing everyone Merry Christmas. This year, Charlotte was all excited and looked forward going to church. She was more excited to get all dressed up more than anything else actually and I had to stop her from opening up the presents under the Chritsmas tree that night too. She behaved very well at the church that night, and she enjoyed the night as much as we all did. This is the time of the year that I am glad that all the "baby episode" is over!

Merry Christmas and have a God blessed New Year ahead!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Home For Christmas!

Yes, it definitely feels good to be home. My trip back home was quite disastrous and I tried not to cry thinking of the possibility of missing Christmas and loosing all my belongings in the checked-in luggage. But thank God all is over now and I came home just in time for Christmas!

All Charlotte said when she saw me at the airport was "Mommy, I missed you!" with teary eyes...just to cut the story short, we were all just glad that I made it home before Christmas. The next day, Charlotte had her Christmas performance at church. What we didn't know was there was also the award presentation during the service for the winners throughout the whole year, in all contests. So Charlotte was also on the award recipient list as she won in the recent singing competition.

Her first trophy, effort of her own (I was away during that competition) and I am absolutely proud of her.

Can't wait till Christmas!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Update From Home

I called home last Sunday night to check out how's everything going back there and I got a good news but I did a poor job in handling that news.

The good news was, everything was alright and Charlotte even won the church Christmas singing competition! It was a duet for ages 3-6 and 2 teams were announced as the winner for that age group, Charlotte's was one of them!

I was so excited when Pat told me that and I asked to talk to Charlotte, didn't know that it was a bad move! (I asked Pat days before did Charlotte requested to call me because she told me that she would call me if she misses me before I left. Pat told me he did ask her but all she said was "call tomorrow"). When Pat passed the phone to Charlotte all I heard was sad, sad sobbing. I kept telling her that I got her lots of toys and dresses for her and how proud I was of her achievement in that singing competition but there was no response from her other than the sobbing. It was really heart broken listening to that sobbing and I didn't know what was the magic word to say to make it right. I told her that I love her and I miss her lots before I hang up.

A minute later, I sms Pat to find out if she was already alright. The reply was "no more cry, playing bubble now". Now I know why she didn't want to call me - she was really trying to hold back or avoid her feeling and emotion.

Thank goodness, and I am confident now that Pat is able to take care of her when I am not around. I just need to learn to relax and let go sometimes.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Away From Home

I haven't been traveling on business since July 2007 and now I am writing this from 10K miles away from home. I still remember how difficult it was for both Charlotte and myself back then, mostly after the trip. She was practically all over me and glued to me 24x7. She was only 20months old back then, but she is now 4 year old and I had a lot of talking to do before I leave just to make sure she understands.

I took last Friday off and our family spent a weekend in KL. I broke the news to Charlotte when she was really happy and enjoying the shopping trip. I didn't tell her the whole story in one try, but only adding more facts after each day. She slowly accepted the fact that I won't be home during that period of time, but mommy has all the back-up plans arranged for her.

I reminded her everyday before I left, and I was glad that she gave me all positive responses every time. I didn't have her to send me to the airport but she gave me a big hug before I left and said "媽媽﹐ 路上小心, I love you!". It was the best assurance I could ever get, don't you agree with me?

I know she will be ok as I have Patrick, my mom and my sister in law all lined up and ready to take care of her when I'm away. I also prepared small treats and presents and Patrick will only give to her if she is acting way too difficult to convince. Will see how many left when I go home.