We went to Langkawi in Oct 2006 during the Hari Raya Puasa holidays. It was Charlotte's first holiday trip and also her first aeroplane experience. We decided to take plane because I was afraid of getting sea-sick (not Charlotte) and not able to enjoy the trip and taking care of Charlotte. She did very well for that short flight, practically slept through the journey!

Charlotte enjoyed playing in the swimming pool. At first, she was a little skeptical this sport but later she didn't want to get out from the pool! We didn't bring her swim suit (didn't buy one for her actually) and so the first day, she was swimming with only her undies. We bought her one the next day and that's her first swimming suit.

Charlott's first:
1. Flight
2. Swim Suit
3.Cable Car Ride
4. Buggy Ride
5. Sleeping by the Pool Side
It was a very fun vacation for both daddy and Charlotte, but mommy was totally exhausted! Charlotte was so "hong so" (playful?) that she didn't want to eat, didn't want to "pangsai" (pass motion), didn't want to sleep for that few days. Worse thing was, she cried hysterically evernight after we came back from the trip for about 1month. So now, I'm still having phobia of going for a holiday eventhough my husband has been proposing for the last few months.